

“Optimization of a Felicitous Life for Individuals with Special Needs”

About SAASEd

The Southeast Asia Association for Special Education (SAASEd) was established in 2018. The vision of the Southeast Asia Association for Special Education (SAASEd) is to improve the quality of life and service delivery for all individuals with special needs in Southeast Asia.

SAASEd also have missions to promote awareness and understanding of issues and developments related to the education and welfare of individuals with special needs throughout Southeast Asia, promote professional exchange between professionals in special education, family members, and individuals in related disciplines in Southeast Asia, encourage and promote research to advance the field of special education and share that information through official publications in Southeast Asia, promote continuing education in special education in Southeast Asia, and work collaboratively with other special education organizations for Southeast Asia promotion of the interests of individuals with special needs.


Inclusive education has become a discussion in the global community. The involvement of the global community in the success of education and learning that is student-friendly, environmentally friendly, and learning-friendly is needed. Therefore, inclusive education has undergone many changes and advances in the education system in Southeast Asia in particular and the world in general. Until now, inclusive education has grown and established itself in providing the widest possible opportunity and space for students with special needs to stand equal to other students so that they can become an active part of society and the country.

However, it can’t be denied that the practice of special education still needs various improvements in various aspects. This condition is a challenge for Special Education to continue to develop and adapt to respond to challenges in the future. To answer these challenges requires research, publication, innovation, and creativity as well as an accommodation based on the needs of the community, educators, educational staff, and students.

The 2022 International Conference on Special Education in the Southeast Asian Region (ICSAR) is one of the answers to the requirements for the growth of special education in Southeast Asia. This conference will bring together academics and experts from around the world to collaborate to create a safe and comfortable environment for people with special needs in Southeast Asia.

Opening Speech

Prof. Dr. Muhadjir Effendy, M.A.P.

Minister of Coordinating for Human Development and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia

Keynote Speaker

Prof. Dr. Norimune Kawai, CCC-SLP

Hiroshima University


Invited Speaker

Prof. Dr.. Munawir Yusuf, M.Psi.

Universitas Sebelas Maret


Dr. Asep Sunandar, S.Pd., M.AP

Universitas Negeri Malang


Prof. Dr. Datuk Yasmin Hussian

City University Malaysia
 Prof Adjunt – Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Prof. Dr. Marlina, S.Pd., M.Si

Uiversitas Negeri Padang


Prof. Madya Dr. Mohd Mahzan Awang

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia


Dr. Imas Diana Aprilia, M.Pd

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Manuscripts Publication & Indexing

We are pleased to announce that the ICSAR 2022 papers will be published in :

International Journal Indexed by Scopus

Accredited Journal Indexed by Sinta

International Proceeding Indexed by WOS

International Proceeding Indexed by Scopus

International Proceeding Indexed With E-ISBN

All articles of these proceedings are submitted for indexing in :